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I’m Emily Pasnak-Lapchick. I am passionate about working with individuals, institutions, and communities to create social impact. I am pursuing my Coaching certification through iPEC, learning how to work with you to move past blocks that are holding you back from creating the fulfilling life you desire. I hold a Masters of Arts in Social Innovation from the University of San Diego where I used systems thinking and human-centered design to create interventions to global issues such as climate change, labor rights, and sustainable global supply chains. Currently, I am supporting a strategic redesign for a Fellowship Program at Open Society Foundations.

I believe we achieve success when grounded in intersectionality and partnership. I am skilled at identifying the unique strengths of individuals, supporting powerful leaders who are the experts of their narratives, and bringing people together around a common cause.

I am available to speak and facilitate at conferences, special events, and schools on topics related to social and environmental justice and finding your purpose. Learn more about my key speaking events here.

When I’m not trying to change the world and the way you think, I’m cooking up delicious vegan recipes, seeking out cutting-edge social enterprises, and listening to jazz influencers.

I love connecting with people to figure out how we can work together. If you feel the same way, contact me below!

Follow me on Twitter & connect with me on LinkedIn.

I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing historical movement.”

– Angela Davis

For inquiries about speaking engagements, coaching partnerships, media contributions, or collaboration on projects, please send me a message. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.